100% Responsibility

It is habitual for humans to associate the negative outcomes of life’s events with people, places or things in their lives for the sole reason that we aren’t wired by default to take full responsibility. In fact, our very nature seeks to defer responsibility.

We find it far too easy to blame previous experiences, circumstances or even our backgrounds for the outcomes we produce in our lives and in turn associate the lack of positive outcomes to factors within our external environment. Furthermore, if we are indeed what we repeatedly do, blaming then becomes a part of our very being and inevitably puts us in a victim consciousness where we develop beliefs that something outside us is responsible for what happens within us - that’s the old model of “Cause and Effect”. However, the formula for producing positive/successful outcomes that puts any human in control of their destiny simply states that;

E + R = O (Events + Response = Outcome)

That is, an event occurs, we respond to “the event” and our response creates an outcome. Typically, we tend to blame “the event” as opposed to taking responsibility for our response mechanisms. Fact is, we can’t change the event, but our response can determine the outcome.

To change the outcome of any event in our lives, all we have to do is simply change our response to such event(s) and avoid making any excuses or allotting blames i.e taking 100% responsibility.

One has to give up making excuses and become solution oriented. In most instances, every single excuse we give ourselves is valid but excuses won’t give us our desired results. We can either have the false sense of security derived from the emotion of victim consciousness or we can have the progress we desire by taking responsibility - but we can’t have both. By having the mindset of “100% responsibility”, you move into a new level of consciousness that you are responsible for the results you produce - “You become more the creator of your own life and less the victim of your own life”.

Remember: “By blaming external factors/forces for your outcomes, you’re wilfully handing over your power”

Peace, Love & Light.


Problem Solving


Letting Go