
It is often said that “Integrity” is doing what you say you’ll do, when you need to do it and when nobody is watching. However, a general misconception about integrity is that we tend to assume it to only be about fulfilling the commitment we make to others. 

We find it easier to keep most of the commitments we make to other people but we seldom keep the promises we make to ourselves. For instance, we find it easier to commit to attending a friend’s wedding across the Atlantic as opposed to keeping a commitment to ourselves about maintaining a healthy routine.

“Self transformation” is underpinned by “Integrity”. To achieve true self transformation, we have to make a commitment to the type of change we’re seeking, and have the integrity to keep that commitment we’ve made to ourself when nobody is watching.

Remember: “Confidence in Self otherwise known as “self-confidence” is built by keeping the commitments we make to ourselves”. 

Peace, Love & Light.




Morning Questions