There are questions that organise our lives, whether we ever ask them or not.
Here’s one - “Who am I?”
We hardly ever think about this; when we do, we may go years without thinking about it again.
Identity is a complex topic, and the question of who we are lies at the heart of everything we care about. In a way, it forms the basis of our entire human experience as we tend to anchor our identity to a myriad of ephemeral things like titles, academic qualifications, hierarchical positions and if I dare say, sexuality.
I’ve recently observed colleagues who feel small without their job title, or others who feel inadequate without a plethora of alphabetic prefixes or suffixes attached to their names.
The question, “Who am I ? is arguably the single most important question. It is the carrier of all values—actual and possible. In a vastly illusory world, it is the one thing that shouldn’t be an illusion.
Our entire reality is given its substance by the fact of who we are.
Upon some self-reflection, I stumbled upon my answer. I am indeed many things to many people - Husband, father, son, leader, friend, mentor, mentee, colleague - the list is inexhaustible…and to limit myself to any one of these is to limit the very essence of my infinite ability as a being created in the image and likeness of an omnipotent God.
Who we are outside the roles we play or the responsibilities we hold is of utmost importance.
I think we’ll all someday have to face this self-examination….and our answer will completely depend on the very question we began with…”Who am I?”
Remember - “What we are matters, but who we are matters more - Brené Brown
Peace, Love & Light.